당신이 왕문원이 아니라면, 프랭크가 그의 영어 질문에 대한 원문이 무엇인지 알고 싶습니다. 감사합니다
frank: what would be the ideal educational system for you? Can you describe that in three sentences?
왕문원: 웰, I ... I think ... I for this question I should ask you because you are somewhat a national education ...
frank: I am asking for your opinion ..
왕문원: well ... ah ... I think there should be more tunnels for the students to be elected to the university.and there P between edu ... educat ... education, I mean between the different universities.we should make the universities ...... the level of the universities more equal, at least Not so much a gap, so big a gap.i ... I have experience between the normal ... the ordinary class and the so-called geek class