호남 영어 레벨 3 답변 온라인
1, we inrestig ated other ... (b \ how)
2, the human resources ... (a Don't risk any ... (c \ unless)
5, by the end of ... (d \ will have worked)
Did't I learn)8, miss sinth' s ... (b \ working)
9, Tom night I have a work(education) 2, more than half of the staff ... they (comfortable)
3, the student At that time I worked ... (was considered)
5, all types of water...(harmful) 6, if the inrested Among all the internet...(best) 8, companies are lega uy ... (to keep)
9, please read througgs At the meeting I made ... (interested)
3, 독해력
when According to he second ...
b \ are learned while working in a term
3, 팀 buli DIY ... Why are team member ...
a \ to come an agreement
5, what's is the best title of passitle Fairway kenwood is a company that
c \ provides private car hire service
2, the company The latest computer systems
3, from the passage we know tha you can
Cout act the sales ...
c \ telephone
4, the prafessiona sale of the company can help can Do sightseeing at a lower price
5, which of the following spea cil se ...
a \ Wedding service
dermr Smith
job applicant (존 브라운) P >
개인 정보 ... (educational background)
(work experience)
to P >
cash plus gives you extra cash
1, what service does cash plus offer (개인 라인)
monthly in come
What is the benefit if you get cash from cash plus (low interest rate)4, what is advantage of cash plus (Monte
온라인 뱅킹
4, 연결 문제
여행 문서 (o) travel documents
제 3 자 책임 (M)third party insurance
의료비 (F)medical expenses
여행 지연
파업 보험 (L)strike risk
렌터카 보험 음수 (K)rental vehicle excess
전쟁 보험 (q
1, all of the infrorun that you need to a apply for your visa is available free
of charge. <
2, if you...
B\ 임대료를 선불할 수 없는 경우 두 가지 유형의 사회 기금으로부터 대출
3, these product 를 받을 수 있습니다
4, A compuny's goals and...
이사회는 주요 문제에 대한 조치를 취할 권리가 있는 회사의 방침 정책을 수정하기로 결심했다.
6, 중점 단어 및 구
attend your appointment 약속 conrenient 편리함 as soon as possible 가능한 한 빨리 enable offer 가 patient 환자 rebook 재예약 취소 change 변경 method 방법
작문: 사직서 쓰기
, 사직을 나타내는 I am wri eing to inform you about my decision to resign from my ... 2, 사퇴 이유 I have accepted an OIF fer by anther firm and have decided to tender my resignation ... 3, 사퇴 시간 설명 Effective amonth later, I will be resing my employment with your's company ... 4, thank you for your company and consideration in these several years wrking 에게 감사드립니다