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definitions of B2B on the web:
business to business www.xml global.com/invest . normally used to describe an e-business solution that caters to other businesses.seeb2c.www.oh-no.com/ Define.html
business-to-business.business whose market is other businesses.most trade on the internet is buus M/glossary.htm
an internet strategy of dealing directly with businesses, rather than consumers, I.e. business to (2) business.www.duke.edu/~ c Harvey/classes/wpg/bfglosb.htm <; Glossary.html
business-to-business www.isourceonline.com/research/glossary/ Index.asp
business to business.the ability for two businesses to conduct business online.www.sourcecan.com Sb1816.cfm
business-to-business www.cknow.com/ckinfo/list _ b.htm
(business Support/misc/glossary.shtm
(business-to-business)-provides information exchange and other server Article.php/1485771
business that sells products or provides services to other businesses.-marketing online www Glossary.asp
B2B stands for "business-to-business, "as in businesses doing business with other businesses.the term is most commonly used in connection with e-commerce and advertising wheel Eting businesses as opposed to consumers.www.in-forum.com/advertising/glossary.cfm
business to Conducted over the internet www.olapreport.com/glossary.htm
business-to-business marketing and comment Atol.html
business-to-business, also known as e-biz-the exchange of products, services, Or information between businesses rather than between businesses and consumers.www.paint.org/ind _ info/ Glossary.htm
business to business www.eeisolutions.com/glossary.html
on the internet, b2s 서비스, Or information between businesses.b2bis e-commerce between businesses.b2b communication using XML over http B2B-the basics ww Glossary.asp
business to business.www.refininglots.com/ Glossary _ terms.htm
–business to business.b2b businesses aim to service transactions among businesses.an exas X.www.techbuddha.com/glossary.html
business-to-business, A way of describing the processing of business transactions over the internet.b2b is one of the main application areas for xml.www.soff Xml/about/glossary.htm
(business-to-business) www.mof.gov.il/micun/gloss 가이드/ Glossary.asp
e-business business to business: refering to electronic trade or partnering between organizations ( Ace). current volumes of e-business activity are around 9 percent B2B, With the remainder being accounted for by B2C e-commerce.www.nottingham.ac.uk/cyber/ Full glos.html
means business to business: this term is used to denote aspects of e-commerce between businesses.www Gloss _ itip.html
business-to-business go to top of page www.lc-link.org/help/ Help9.html
1. 아시아 최대 비즈니스 네트워크 ctek.com
34. 호주 국제 비즈니스 포럼 www.ibf.com
35. 이란 옐로우 페이지 www
38. 이베이 www.eachnet.com
1. 아메리카 최대 비즈니스망
2. 세계 입찰 www.worldbid.com
6. 국제 무역 www.intl-trade.com
7. 완웨이 센터 www.insidetheweb.com
8. 세계 무역 요약 www.wtvusa; 캐나다 아시아 네트워크 자원 www.netsource-asia.com
12. 멕시코 비즈니스 자원 www.mexconnect.com
13. 멕시코 무역 www.mextrade
16. 무역대리인 www.tradeagent.com
17. 온라인 영업 기회 www.onlineleads.com
18. 무역지대 www.tradears X.com
21. 브라질 잉다이크 비즈니스 네트워크 www.insidex.com
22. 전자 상거래 마법사
23. 전체 비즈니스 정보 네트워크 www.all-biz.com 쉽게 검색
27. 내 지도
28. 전자만 www.ebay.com
29. 행정관 고백 www.ceoexpress.com
3 .. 유럽 옐로우 페이지 www.europages.com
4. 다넥스 무역 게시판 www.danex-exm.dk
5. 금전센터 www.thedollar.com/
7. 울프 세계무역망
8. 오스트리아 무역게시판 www.trade-board.com
9. 영국 상용 월드 와이드 웹 www.county web.co.uk Bcexports.com
12. 네덜란드 무역망 www.ssrholland.net
13. 이탈리아 무역망 www.italtrade.net
- 길림시 유모살인범 검거: 살인자는 유모를 고용한다는 빙자 아래 미신을 따라 살인을 자행했다.
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