Glue stick 은 무엇을 의미합니까
n. 고무봉
립스틱; 고체 접착제 스틱; 고체 접착제
복수형: glue sticks
1. a separate production systems can now be cold and hot gluestick and pasted. <
2. we want to buy gluestick, colored paper, sticker paint, glitter glue.
접착제, 색종이, 라벨 페인트, 화려한 접착제를 구매하겠습니다
3. objective to analyze the intrauterine surgery in post menopausal patients with gong ning gluestick application value. < p
4. make it even more fun, by sprinkling with glitter (use a gluestick first where you want the glitter to stick). < p.
5. turn the leaf rubbings over on a clean piece of paper.apply a glue stick to the back side